ენტომოლოგიის კოლექცია
ენტომოლოგიის კოლექცია დაფუძნდა რამოდენიმე ინსტიტუტის კოლექციების გაერთიანების საფუძველზე 2011 წლის აგვისტოში. კოლექცია ემსახურება როგორც სამეცნიერო, ასევე სასწავლო მიზნებს. გარდა ამისა, იგი არის საშუალება მულტიინსტიტუციური და საერთაშორისო თანამშრომლობის.
ამჟამად კოლექცია მოიცავს მილიონამდე ნიმუშს (ინდივიდს). მათგან 5000-მდე ინდივიდი გარკვეულია სახეობის დონეზე. განსაკუთრებულია ხეშეშფრთიანების, სიფრიფანაფრთიანებისა და ქერცლფრთიანების კოლექციები. კოლექციებში მოთავსებულია მეცნიერებისათვის ახალი სახეობების 50-ზე მეტი ტიპი, რაც კოლექციას კიდევ უფრო მნიშვნელოვანს ხდის.
კოლექციებშია ასევე ობობასნაირების 400-ზე მეტი სახეობის 1000-მდე ინდივიდი. გარდა ამისა, ენტომოლოგიის ინსტიტუტს გააჩნია აბრეშუმის ჭიის 40-მდე ჯიშის ცოცხალი კოლექცია. არსებული ნიმუშების იდენტიფიცირება ხდება მორფოლოგიურად, თუმცა არის მოლეკულური მეთოდების ალტერნატივაც. კოლექციის ფარგლებში ენტომოლოგიის ინსტიტუტი აქტიურად თანამშრომლობს სმითსონიანის მუზეუმთან (ვაშინგტონი, აშშ), ბრიტანეთის ბუნებისმეტყველების მუზეუმთან (ლონდონი, დიდი ბრიტანეთი), მადრიდის ბუნებისმეტყველების მუზეუმთან (მადრიდი, ესპანეთი), ოსლოს ბუნებისმეტყველების მუზეუმთან (ოსლო, ნორვეგია), ჰამბურგისა და ბონის ბუნებისმეტყველების მუზეუმებთან (გერმანია), იბარაკისა და კიუშუს უნივერსიტეტები (იაპონია) და სხვ.
ენტომოლოგიის კოლექცია
საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია
გიორგი ჯაფოშვილი
მწერების ორი ეკონომიურად მნიშვნელოვანი ჯგუფის კოლექციის შექმნა (2022 - 2023)
პროექტი ითვალისწინებს 3 განხვავებული ჰაბიტატის, გომბორის ქედის, ლაგოდეხის ნაკრძალისა და ვაშლოვანის ნაკრძალის ქალციდებისა და სწორფრთიანების კოლექციის შექმნას. პროექტის ფარგლებში იგეგმება როგორც ციფრული, ასევე ფიზიკური კოლექციის შექმნა და ამ ორი ჯგუფის ბარკოდირებაც.
კავკასიის სიცოცხლის ბარკოდირება. გარმანიის მეცნიერებისა და კვლევის ფედერალური სამინისტრო (2020 – 2023)
გერმანიის განათლებისა და კვლევების სამინისტროს პროექტის - კავკასიის სიცოცხლის ბარკოდირება (CaBOL) მიზანია კავკასიის ცხოველთა და მცენარეთა სახეობების დნმ ბარკოდირება და კატალოგიზირება. ამ ეტაპზე გამოკვლეულია კინტრიშის ეროვნული პარკის, რაჭა-ლეჩხუმის, ვაშლოვანის, გომბორის ქედისა და ლაგოდეხის მწერების ნაწილი. პროექტი მულტიინსტიტუციურია და მონაწილეობს 3 ქვეყანა და 6 დაწესებულება. ენტომოლოგიის ინსტიტუტის მონაწილეობა ამ პროექტში სიფრიფანაფრთიანების ნაწილით შემოიფარგლება. გამოქვეყნებულია 7 სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია, სადაც 200-ზე მეტი კავკასიისათვის და 300-ზე მეტი საქართველოსათვის ახალი სახეობაა, ხოლო 5 მეცნიერებისათვისაა ახალი.
Murvanidze, M., Todria, N., Maraun, M., Mumladze, L. (2023). Annotated checklist of Georgian oribatid mites – II. Zootaxa 5227 (1): 050–062.
Japoshvili, G., Arabuli, T., Salakaia, M., Tskaruashvili, Z., Kirkitadze, G., Talamas, E. (2022). Surveys for Halyomorpha halys (Stål)(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and its biocontrol potential by parasitic wasps in the Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelo). Phytoparasitica, 50:127-137
Laszlo, Z., Kelemen, TI., Japoshvili, G. (2022). Pteromalidae of Lagodekhi Protected Areas with the description of a new Psilocera species from Sakartvelo (Georgia). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 68(1):53-72
Japoshvili, G., Haris, A. (2022). New Monoctenus Dahlbom, 1835 (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) species from Georgia. Natura Somogyiensis, 38:23-28
Japoshvili, G., Gordiashvili, N., Injia, S., Tsiklauri, Kh., Sulamanidze, G. (2022). Updated annotated checklist of insects from Lagodekhi protected areas, Sakartvelo (Georgia). Munis Entomology and Zoology, 17(2): 793-841
Japoshvili, G. (2022). New data on some microhymenopteran families from Lagodekhi Protected Area, with new records for Georgia (Sakartvelo) and the Caucasus. Caucasiana 1:7-11.
Supatashvili, A., Japoshvili, G., Haris, A. (2022). Some important records on sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) from the Entomological Collection of Agricultural University of Georgia (Sakartvelo) identified by Dr. Ermolenko. Natura Somogyensis, 39:48-59.
Japoshvili, G., Haris, A. (2022). Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) from North Western Georgia (Sakartvelo) (Part II.). Natura Somogyensis, 39:35-46.
Japoshvili, G., Haris, A. (2022). Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) from North-Western Georgia (Sakartvelo). Caucasiana, 1(1)41-49
Japoshvili, G., Haris, A. (2022). Sawflies (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) of Kintrishi National Park, south-west Georgia (Sakartvelo). Annals of Agrarian Science, 20(1):12-27
Gratiashvili, N., Arabuli, T., Kuchava, M. (2022). Biodiversity of Oribatid Mites and Nematodes of Machakhela National Park. Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 16, no. 2, 2022.
Murvanidze, M., Japoshvili, G., Inasaridze, N., Deutsch, F. (2022). Drosophilid flies (Diptera:Drosophilidae) of Georgia (Sakartvelo) with new records for the country. Caucasiana. 1: 25-28. DOI 10.3897/caucasiana.1.e87258
Fujie, S., Japoshvili, G., Fernandez-Triana, J. (2021). Review of the world species of Paroplitis Mason, 1981 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), with description of three new species. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 68(1): 33-34. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Ljubomirov, T. (2021). Wasps of the families Ampulicidae, Bembicidae, Bethylidae, Chrysididae, Crabronidae, Evanidae, Gasteruptidae, Heloridae, Pemphredonidae, Pompilidae, Psenidae, Sphecidae and Vespidae (Hymenoptera) of Lagodekhi protected areas, from Georgia (Sakartvelo). Annals of Agrarian Science, 19(4): 269-287
Khachikov, E., Iljina, E., Gasanova, N., Japoshvili, G. (2021). Preliminary faunistic study on the rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Republic of Dagestan, with some additional information from northern Caucasus. Zootaxa, 4950(2):248-266
Riedel, M., Japoshvili, G. (2021). New records of Ichneumonidae from Northwestern Sakartvelo (Georgia), with additions to the fauna of Lagodekhi reserve. Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), 241-288
Kreiter, P., Ris, N., Warot, S., Belet, A., Ayed, F., Japoshvili, G., Germain, J., Balmes, V., Descamps, S., Tourlourat, A., Cambournac, L., Henry, S., Graverol, S., Boujot, Y., Lepinay, V., Correa, M., Paris, B., Poncet, C., Robert, F. (2021). Les Cochenilles des plantes ornementales. Phytoma, 740:9-12. (in Franch)
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G., Saghaei, N. (2021). Distribution and new host associations of the genus Metaphycus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Iran. Zoology in the Middle East, 67(3):277-280
Tixier, M.S., Auger, P., Migeon, A., Fossoud, A., Navajas, M., Arabuli, T. (2021). Integrated taxonomy supports the identification of some species of Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Georgia. Acarologia, 2021, 61 (4), pp.824-844.
Todria, N., Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L. (2021). Oribatid (Acari, Oribatida) diversity in natural and altered arid ecosystems of South-Eastern Caucasus. Pedobiologia. 87-88:
Murvanidze, M., Krawczyk, G., Inasaridze, N., Kodua, M., Samsonidze, N., Alimbarashvili, E., Lipartia, D., Shonia, R., Archvadze, N. (2021). Effectiveness of pest management options for brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in hazelnut orchards in the republic of Georgia. Annals of Agrarian Sciences 19: 377-391.
Japoshvili, G., Ramos, P., Borges, E. (2020). New records of encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitoids of Coccomorpha (hemiptera) from Portugal. Munis Entomology and Zoology 15 (1), 262-264
Marusik, Y., Otto, S., Japoshvili, G. (2020). Taxonomic notes on Amaurobius (Araneae: Amaurobiidae), including the description of a new species. Zootaxa 4718 (1), 47-56 SCI
Japoshvili, G., Khachikov, E. (2020). List of Staphylinids of Lagodekhi Reserve with some new records from Sakartvelo (Georgia). Zootaxa, 4767(3): 495-500
Japoshvili, G., Batsankalashvili, M., Kirkitadze, G., Kaydan, MB. (2020). Scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on apple and neighbouring plants in Eastern Georgia (Sakartvelo). Annals of Agrarian Science, 18(1): 60-68
Japoshvili, G., Aslan, EG. (2020). Checklist of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Sakartvelo (Georgia). Annals of Agrarian Science, 18(3): 331-337
Murvanidze, M., Cilbircioğlu, C., Özdemir, E., Inak, E. (2020). Checklist of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of the Central Black Sea basin of Turkey with new records for the country. Persian Journal of Acarology 9(3): 255-277
Japoshvili, G., Mumladze, L. (2019). New species and new records of Aphelinus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae) from Lagodekhi Reserve (Sakartvelo - Georgia), with diversity and distribution along an elevational gradient. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 43:192-202. SCI
Shcherbakov, N., Kostjukov, V., Ismailov, V., Vasileva, L., Kosheleva, O., Komantsev, A., Podvarko, A., Japoshvili, G. (2019). First notes about parasitization of Cydia spp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) damaging Oaks (Quercus spp.) and Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis) in the Northern Caucasus. Annals of Agrarian Science. 17:312-314.
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V., Kosheleva, O., Podvarko, A. (2019). New Record of Aprostocetus caudatus Species Group (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) from Georgia. Journal of Entomological Research Society, 21(3):361-367. SCI
Arabuli, T., Maric, I., Auger, P. (2019). Revision of the genus Pseudobryobia McGregor, 1950 (Acari, Tetranychidae). Acarologia 59(3): 291-300; DOI 10.24349/acarologia/20194331
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L., Todria, N., Salakaia, M., Maraun, M. (2019). Effect of ploughing and pesticide application on oribatid mite communities. International Journal of Acarology. 45:4, 181-188 DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2019.1572222
Maraun, M., Caruso, T., Hense, J., Lehmitz, R., Mumladze, L., Murvanidze, M., Nae, I., Schulz, J., Seniczak, A., Scheu,S. (2019). Parthenogenetic vs. sexual reproduction in oribatid mite communities. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 7324-7332 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5303
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L., Todria, N. (2019). A contribution to the knowledge of oribatid and mesostigmatic mites (Acari) with new records in Georgia. Persian Journal of Acarology. 8(4): 309-325.
Todria, N., Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L. (2019). Oribatid mite communities on former clay quarries under different reclamation strategy. Annals of Agricultural Sciences. 17: 304-311
Baramidze, N., Kharatishvili SH., Mdzeluri, L., Svanidze, M., Khutsishvili, M., Tskaruashvili, Z, Gujabidze, I. (2019). Masures to perfect biotechnological characteristics of Georgian mulberry silkworm color-cocoon breeds, 9th Bacsa International Conferebce “Sericulture preservation and revival – problems and prospects” “SERIVIVAL” 2019 Batumi, Georgia April 7th –12th ,pp- 152
Japoshvili, G. (2018). New records of Centrodora Forster (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) from the Caucasus. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 42: 118-120. SCI
Dobosz, R., Japoshvili, G., Krivokhatsky, V., Wąsala, R. (2018). Contributions to the knowledge of neuropterid insects (Neuropterida: Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) of Georgia (Sakartvelo). Part II. Annals of the upper Silesian museum in bytom entomology. 26:1-21.
Dvorak, L., Japoshvili, G. (2018). The scorpionflies (Mecoptera) from Lagodekhi Reserve, with some distributional and seasonal activity data. Zootaxa, 4407(1):137-140. SCI
Kirkitadze, G., Japoshvili, G. (2018). Pollination features on the local apple variety in Georgia. Materials of Conference devoted to 80th anniversary of Institute of Zoology, Azerbaijanian Academy of Sciences, 490-494.
Kostjukov, V., Japoshvili, G. (2018). New record of Hyperteles (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) species from Transcaucasia. Annals of Agrarian Science, 16 (1):42-44.
Japoshvili, G., Kaydan, MB. (2018). Parasitoid complex of gossyparia spuria (Modeer)(Hemiptera: Acanthococcidae) from eastern anatolia with new records for the Turkish fauna. Annals of Agrarian Science, 16(1):32-33
Japoshvili, G., Dzneladze, G., Kirkitadze, G., Kiss, B., Kaydan, B. (2018). A new and dangerous pest for the Caucasus – Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Annals of Agrarian Science, 16(4):464-465
Otto, S., Japoshvili, G. (2018). The spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of the Lagodekhi Reserve, Georgia: faunistic results of a transect study and an updated checklist. Arachnology, 17(8):375-391.
Japoshvili, G., Erkilic, L., Caliskan, AF., Kaydan, MB. (2018). Parasitoid complex of Planococcus ficus (Signoret)(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 46(4):481-485 SCI
Japoshvili, G. (2018). Corrigendum to “New records of Encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae) from Georgia, with description of seven new species” [J. Asia Pac. 20 (2017) 866–877], 21:744. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Fallahzadeh, M. (2018). A new species of Anagyrus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Iran, parasitoid of Planococcus ficus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Vitis vinifera. Zoology in the Middle East. 64(4):340-344 SCI
Riedel, M., Diller, E., Japoshvili, G. (2018). The Ichneumonid fauna (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Lagodekhi Reserve, Sakartvelo (Georgia), with descriptions of four new species. Linzer biologische Beiträge. 0050_2: 1447 - 1507.
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G., Guerrieri, E. (2018). Notes and corrections to Guerrieri & Gahari’s (2018) list of Iranian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Zootaxa, 4444:295-296 SCI
Hansen, LO., Japoshvili, G. (2018). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway VII. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 65:101-107
Murvanidze, M., Todria, N., Mumladze, L., Kalatozishvili, L. (2018). Diversity of soil mite communities in different habitats of Saskhori quarries, Georgia. Persian Journal of Acarology. 7(3): 297-305.
Murvanidze, M., Krawczyk, G., Inasaridze, N., Dekanoidze, L., Samsonadze, N., Macharashvili, M., Khutsishvili, S., Shengelia, S. (2018). Preliminary data on the biology of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in Georgia. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 42: 617-624. doi:10.3906/zoo-1802-34
Baramidze, N., Khutsishvili, M., Tskaruashvili, Z., Kharatishvili, SH., Mdzeluri, L. (2018), Characterization of new Georgian mulberry silkworm breeds relatively resistant to the disease nuclear polyhedrosis, World Science
Japoshvili, G., Salakaia, M., Kirkitadze, G., Batsankalashvili, M. (2017). List of encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from subalpine and alpine zones of Lagodekhi protected areas with new records from Georgia and Transcaucasia. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 41: 342-344. SCI
Radzevičiūtėa, R., Theodorou, P., Husemann, M., Japoshvili, G., Kirkitadze, G., Zhusupbaeva, A., Paxton, R. (2017). Replication of honey bee-associated RNA viruses across multiple bee species in apple orchards of Georgia, Germany and Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 146:14–23SCI
Kirkitadze, G., Husemann, M., Paxton, R., Radzeviciute, R., Japoshvili, G. (2017). Records of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) new to both Georgia and Transcaucasia revealed by DNA barcoding. Zoology in the Middle East, Vol.63(2):154-160. SCI
Gul Aslan, E., Mumladze, L., Japoshvili, G. (2017). List of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Lagodekhi reserve with new records for Transcaucasia and Georgia. Zootaxa. 4277(1):86-98. SCI
Mumladze, L., Ulrich, W., Asanidze, Z., Japoshvili, G. (2017). An inverse elevational species richness gradient of Caucasian vascular plants and Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Ecoscience. Published online. SCI
Batsankalashvili, M., Kaydan, B., Kirkitadze, G., Japoshvili, G. (2017). Updated checklist of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in Sakartvelo (Georgia). Annals of Agrarian Science. 15:252-268
Japoshvili, G. (2017). New records of Encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae) from Georgia, with description of seven new species. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 20(3):866-877. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V. (2017). Three New Minotetrastichus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) Species Records from Transcaucasia. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 19(2):95-100. SCI
Mikhailov, K., Otto, S., Japoshvili, G. (2017). A new species from the Clubiona caerulescens group from the Caucasus (Araneae: Clubionidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 1-7. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V., Kosheleva, O., Yegorenkova, E. (2017). New Record of Neotrichoporoides (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Georgia with some Taxonomic and Biogeographical Notes. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 19(2):67-71. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, LO. (2017). Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 64(1):53-60.
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G. (2017). An updated checklist of Iranian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Zootaxa 4344(1):1-46.
Japoshvili, G., Stathas, G. (2017). New record of Coccophagus shillongensis Hayat and Singh (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) from Europe, with some remarks on morphological variation. Phytoparasitica, 45(5):651-653. SCI
Murvanidze, M., Arabuli, T. (2017). New records and some interesting findings of oribatid mites (Acari:Oribatida) from Georgia. Annals of Agrarian Science. 15(2): 195-197.
Mumladze, L., Murvanidze, M., Maraun, M. (2017). Patterns of oribatid mite species diversity: testing the effects of elevation, area and sampling effort. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 72(3): 245–262. DOI101007/s10493-017-0153-7
Miko, L., Kolesnikov, V.B., Murvanidze, M. (2017). Redescription of Belba paracorynopus Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1962 (Acarina: Oribatida: Damaeidae) from Georgia. Systematic and Applied Acarology. 22(11): 1884-1894
Japoshvili, G. (2016). New records of Encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Georgia with description of five new species for science, Annals of Agrarian Science, 14:1-6
Lopes, T., Libert, PN., Stary, P., Japoshvili, G., Hatt, S., Francisi, F. (2016). Checklist of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Aphelinus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) species from Belgium with respectively four and three new records Zootaxa 4092 (4): 548–560 SCI
Japoshvili, G., Rakhshani, H., Khajehali, J. (2016). A new species of Copidosoma (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Iran. Zoology in the Middle East. 62(3): 261-264.
Mita, T., Handa, H., Higashiura, Y., Japoshvili, G. (2016). First report of Cheiloneurus exitiosus (Perkins, 1906) and Helegonatopus dimorphus (Hoffer, 1954) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from Japan, with remarks on their abundance in rice paddies. Biodiversity Data Journal. doi: 3897/BDJ.4.e9230
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G., Saghaei, N. (2016). A contribution to the knowledge of the encyrtid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from southern Iran, with four new records. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics, 02(3):309-319.
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V., Kosheleva, O. (2016). New Record of Tamarixia (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Transcaucasia with Some Taxonomic and Biogeographical Notes. Journal of Entomological Research Society, 18(3):113-120 SCI
Kostjukov, V., Kosheleva, O., Japoshvili, G. (2016). First record of Mischotetrastichus Graham, 1987 (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) from Transcaucasia. Eurasian Entomological Journal, 15(5):464-465
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V. (2016). The First Record of Pronotalia Gradwell, 1957 (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) Wasps from Georgia. Entomological Review, 95(4):855-859 [in Russian] SCI
Japoshvili, G. (2016). Updated list of genus Cryptocephalus Muller, 1764 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Georgia. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, 25:128-131.
Kostjukov, V., Japoshvili, G. (2016). First record of Murcia-group of the genus Tetrastichus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Transcaucasia. Biological plant protection as the basis of ecosystem stabilization, Issue 9:162-166
Kostjukov, V., Japoshvili, G. (2016). First record of Holcotetrastichus Graham, 1987 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from Transcaucasia. Biological plant protection as the basis of ecosystem stabilization, Issue 9: 148-151.
Japoshvili, G., Kostjukov, V. Kosheleva, O. (2016). First record of Anaprostocetus Graham, 1987 (Hymenotpera: Eulophidae) from Transcaucasia, Biological plant protection as the basis of ecosystem stabilization, Issue 9:125-128
Arabuli, T., Çobanoglu, S., Auger, P. (2016). Panonychus from Georgia: survey, taxonomical status and redescription of hadzhibejliae (Reck, 1947) (Acari, Tetranychidae). Zootaxa, 4114 (4): 464-476.
Barjadze, Sh., Murvanidze, M. (2016). New records of springtails (Collembola: Entomobryomorpha) and oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in Georgia. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 40: 117-119
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L. (2016). Annotated checklist of Georgian oribatid mites. Zootaxa. 4089(1): 1-81.
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L., Arabuli, T., Barjadze, Sh., Salakaia, M. (2016). Oribatida diversity in different microhabitats of Mtirala National Park. Journal of Acarological Society of Japan. 25(S1): 35-49
Baramidze, N., Khutsishvili, M., Tskaruashvili, Z. (2016). Comparative study of Georgian breeds of mulberry silkworm according to the main biotechnological characteristics, Elsevier. Annals of Agrarian Science 14 (2), 56-60
Japoshvili, G., Jalilvand, K., Vahedi, HA., Fallahzadeh, M. (2015). Metaphycus parthenolecanii sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of Parthenolecanium corni (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in Iran. Zoology in the Middle East. SCI
Kirkitadze, G., Japoshvili, G. (2015). Renewed checklist of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from Georgia. Annals of Agrarian Science, 13(1):20-32.
Japoshvili, G., Batsankalashvili, M. (2015). Hymenoptera biodiversity in the apple orchards of eastern Georgia. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, 24:246-252.
Hansen, L.O., Japoshvili, G. (2015). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway V. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 62, 104–109.
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, L.O., Sørlibråten, O. (2015). New records of Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway, with additional information on host associations and description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 62, 110–116.
Japoshvili, G., Spodek, M., Be-Dov, Y. (2015). The parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of five Kermes species (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Kermesidae) in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 43:341-351. SCI
Japoshvili, G. (2015). New records of Hymenopterans for Georgia from Mtirala National Park. Journal of Entomological Research Society. 17(2): 89-92. SCI
Japoshvili, G. Hansen, L.O. (2015). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway VI. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 62, 174–179.
Arabuli, T., Çobanoglu S, Kvavadze E. (2015). New Records of Tenuipalpid mites (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) for Georgian and Caucasus Fauna. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 39: 335-337, DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1401-54.
Auger, P., Arabuli, T., Migeon, A. (2015). Two new species of Bryobia (Acarina, Prostigmata,Tetranychidae) from South France. ZooKeys, 480: 21-39. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.480.9166.
Arabuli, T. (2015). Two New Records and List of Tenuipalpid mites (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) for Georgian Fauna. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, Vol. XXIV. pp. 33-45.
Mumladze, L., Murvanidze, M., Maraun, M., Salakaia, M. (2015). Oribatid mite communities along an elevational gradient in Sairme gorge (Caucasus). Experimental and Applied Acarology. 66: 41-51
Barjadze, Sh., Murvanidze, M., Arabuli, T., Pkhakadze, V., Mumladze, L., Chunashvili, T., Gratiashvili, N., Salakaia, M. (2015). Annotated List of the Invertebrates in the Caves of Racha Region (Western Georgia). Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology. 24: 46-56
Murvanidze, M., Todria, N. (2015). Oribatida diversity on limestone and clay quarries. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology. 24: 159-169
Murvanidze, M., Arabuli, T. (2015). Oribatid mite diversity in Rhododendron ponticum L. canopy along an altitudinal gradient in Mtirala National Park. Acarologia 55(2): 219–230
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, LO. (2014). Revision of the genus Aphelinus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae) in Norway with descriptions of three new species. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 38:552-558. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, LO. (2014). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway VI. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 61, 180-185
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G., Abdimaleki, R., Saghae, N. (2014). New records of Tetracneminae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 38:515-518. SCI
Murvanidze, M. (2014). Oribatid mites of Georgian (Caucasus) caves including the description of a new species Ghilarovus Krivolutsky, 1966. International Journal of Acarology. 40(6): 463-472
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L. (2014). Oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) diversity in different forest stands of Borjom-Kharagauli National Park (Georgia). Persian Journal of Acarology. 3(4): 257-276
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, L.O., Guerrieri, E. (2013). The Norwegian species of Copidosoma Ratzeburg (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae). Zootaxa. 3619(2):145-153. SCI
Japoshvili, G., Hansen, L.O. (2013). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway II. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 60:68-72
Japoshvili, G., Abell, K., VanDriesche, R., Normark, B. (2013). The Aphelinidae and Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) parasitoids of armored scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) on Tsuga spp. in Japan with the description of eight new species. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 106(5):541-554 SCI
Spodek, M., Ben-Dov, Y., Ghanim, M., Mendel, Z., Japoshvili, G., Ionescu, A. (2013). Taxonomy and life history of Kermesidae (Hemiptera:Coccoidea) species in Israel. Book of Abstracts, ISSIS XIII, Sofia, Bulgaria, p. 21
Kment, P., Fent, M., Japoshvili, G. (2013). Redescription of Urartucoris ermolenkoi (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreidae) and a revised key to the genera of Pseudophloeini of the Western Palaearctic Region. ZooKey, 319:191-209. SCI
Fallahzadeh, M., Japoshvili, G. (2013). Corrections to the list of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Research Society, 15(2):117-121. SCI
Hansen, L.O., Japoshvili, G. (2013). New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway III. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 60:196-200
Shetekauri, Sh., Darchiashvili, G., Kopaliani, N., Japoshvili, G., Tarkhnishvili, D., Bukhnikashvili, A., Tsiklauri, Kh., Ninua, N., Pkhakadze, V., Mumladze, L., Jorjadze, I. (2013). Atlas of Georgian Wildlife. Plants and Animals. Sulakauri publishing. p. 152.
Arabuli, T., Kvavadze, E. (2013). New Record for Caucasus Fauna: Cenopalpus (Cenopalpoides) wainsteini Livschitz & Mitrofanov, 1967 (Acari: Tenuipalpida), additional description and three new host plants. International Journal of Acarology, Volume: 39, Issue 07, 538-541.
Murvanidze, M., Mumladze, L., Arabuli, T., Kvavadze, Er. (2013). Oribatid mite colonization on sand and manganese tailing sites. Acarologia. 53(2): 127-139